Privacy Policy

Thanks for playing 吕 雨铃's game! Your privacy is important to 吕 雨铃 and 吕 雨铃 take your privacy seriously. This Privacy Policy describes the information collected when you use our products. By using our products, you agree to this policy. This policy may change from time to time, so please check back frequently. Your continued use of our products constitutes your acceptance of the changes to this Privacy Policy.

1. What information do we need to provide the Game Services

We collect four main categories of data (and to the extent it may enable the identification of a specific person, or is linked to such potentially identifying data, we will deem it as “Personal Data”):

Data automatically collected or generated:

When someone visits, interacts with or uses our Services, including any e-mail or text messages sent to them by us or via our Services, we may collect or generate technical data about them. We collect or generate such data either independently or with the help of third party services, including through the use of “cookies” and other tracking technologies (as further detailed below).

Such data consists of connectivity, technical or aggregated usage data, such as IP address, in-game identifier, game statistics, game preferences, unique advertising ID (e.g. IDFA; you may reset such ID based on the operating system instructions ), non-identifying data regarding a device, operating system, browser or App version, mobile carrier, locale and language settings, user activity on our Services, in-App or Game activity (such as game play content/product interaction and advertising data); diagnostic data (i.e. crash data and game performance data). We do not use such data to learn a person’s true identity or contact details, but mostly to have a better understanding on how our users typically use and engage with our Services. The use of such technical and device data also helps us and our partners to deliver interest-based or otherwise more effective advertisements and content, to optimize our ad management and our users' viewing experience), and to improve the overall performance and your user experience of our Services. For more information about our advertising uses, please see Section 8 below.

Data received from you:

You may provide us Personal Data voluntarily, such as when you set up an account with us, contact us (through Facebook, Messenger, e-mail, in-game chat or any other channel, including any support services), when you post on our public forums or groups, when you provide us your e-mail address (such as when you sign-up to receive e-mail updates or gifts), when you participate in competition, contest, tournaments and other promotions, when you place any purchases in any of our Games, when you interact with other users through the in-game chat or when you choose to connect your Facebook, Google, Apple or similar account to any of our Games.

Data received from Facebook and other channels:

Once you connect the Games to your Facebook, Google, Apple or similar account, we will receive access to your public profile, including (to the extent you defined it as “public”), as applicable, your full name, e-mail address(es) provided to Facebook, Google or Apple, gender, profile picture or similar photo, location, time zone, and a list of your friends playing the Games (along with their photos and other public profile information). This will also allow us to present your and your friends’ public profile images inside the Games and to create your in-game friends list. In addition, we or our advertising partners may receive from Facebook and our other marketing channels general information concerning the performance of our advertising campaigns, such as the targeted age group or interests, and we or our partners may be able to link such general data to any other data in our possession.

2. How we use your information

We use information collected through our Service for purposes described in this Notice or disclosed to you in connection with our Service. For example, we may use your information for:

Service Delivery

Create your Service accounts and allow access to our Services;

Identify and suggest connections with other users;

Operate our Services;

Improve our Services;

Understand you and your preferences to enhance your experience and enjoyment using our Services;

Respond to your comments and questions and provide customer service;

Provide and deliver products and services you request;

Send you related information, including confirmations, invoices, technical notices, updates, security alerts, and support and administrative messages;

Conduct and administer surveys, user research projects, competitions and promotional events that you participate in;

Prevent fraud or potentially illegal activities, and enforce our Terms of Use;

Enable you to communicate with other users; and

Fulfill any other purpose for which you provide personal information.

Marketing and Advertising

Deliver and target advertising and marketing and promotional information to you; and

Communicate with you (including via email and push notifications) about promotions, contests, rewards, upcoming events, and other news about products and services offered by us and our selected partners.

Research and Development

Create aggregate or anonymous information derived from the personal information we handle, which we may use and disclose for research, development and other lawful business purposes;

Link or combine personal information with other information we get from third parties to help understand your preferences and provide you better services; and

Analyze information to choose to provide to us in connection with Studio surveys and user research projects to gain insights into how users engage with our Services, to improve our Services, to consider developing new products or services, and other lawful purposes.

Compliance and Protection

Comply with applicable laws, lawful requests, and legal process, such as to respond to subpoenas or requests from government authorities;

Protect our, your or others’ rights, privacy, safety or property (including by investigating, bringing, making or defending legal claims);

Audit our internal processes for compliance with legal and contractual requirements or our internal policies;

Enforce the terms and conditions that govern the Services; and

Prevent, identify, investigate and deter fraudulent, harmful, unauthorized, unethical or illegal activity, including cyberattacks and identity theft.

Push Notifications

We may occasionally send you push notifications through our Service to send you game updates, high scores and other service-related notifications that may be of importance to you. You may at any time opt-out from receiving these types of communications by turning them off at the device level through your settings.

3. sharing of your information

We may share information we collect for the following purposes:

Service Providers. With service providers that perform services on our behalf or enhance our Services, including hosting services, customer service, analytics services and to assist us in our marketing efforts;

Payment Processors. With third-party payment processors that process payments you make;

Advertising Partners. Advertisers, ad exchanges and other ad technology companies that require the data to select and serve our relevant advertisements to you and others, and assist us in our marketing efforts, including as described in the Online Advertising section below;

Affiliates. With our parent company, subsidiaries and other affiliates;

Professional Advisors. With professional advisors, such as lawyers, auditors, bankers and insurers, where necessary in the course of the professional services that they render to us;

Authorities and others. With law enforcement and public authorities, as we believe in good faith to be necessary or appropriate for the compliance and protection purposes described above;

Business Transferees. With acquirers and other relevant participants (and their advisors) in business transactions (or negotiations of or due diligence for such transactions) involving a corporate divestiture, merger, consolidation, acquisition, reorganization, sale or other disposition of all or any portion of the business or assets of, or equity interests in, Studio or our affiliates (including, in connection with a bankruptcy or similar proceedings); and

Your specified recipients. We may disclose personal information about an individual to certain other third parties or publicly with their consent or direction.

4. Age guidelines

Protecting children's privacy is extremely important to us. We also encourage parents and/or guardians to always take an active role in their child's online experience.

Our products are not intended for use by children under the age of 13 and we do not knowingly collect any personal information from children under the age of 13. If you are a resident of the European Economic Area (EEA) under the age of 16 or a minor is in your country of residence, please seek permission from your legal guardian to use or access our products. Additional age-based privacy information specific to California residents is set forth below in the Privacy Notice for California Residents. If you believe that we have inadvertently collected information about your child, please contact us (information below) so that we can promptly delete this information.

5. Data retention

We retain your data for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you the Service. We will for example periodically de-identify unused game accounts and we regularly review and de-identify unnecessary data.

Note that if you ask us to remove your personal data, we will retain your data as necessary for our legitimate business interests, such as to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.

6. Your information security

We operate its services globally. To the extent permitted by applicable law, your personal data may be transferred to and stored in countries other than your country of residence, including the United States, for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy. The data protection laws of these countries may differ from those of your country.

If we transfer your personal data from the UK or the EEA to another country (including the US), we ensure a similar level of protection for your personal data as the UK or EEA (as applicable) by ensuring that at least one of the following safeguards:

Your personal data is transferred to countries that the European Commission (or the UK government, if you are located in the UK) consider to provide an adequate level of protection for personal data as the UK or the European Economic Area, as applicable.

We use certain contracts approved by the European Commission (or the UK Information Commissioner's Office if you are located in the UK) when we engage with service providers.

We have appropriate legal, organizational and technical security measures in place to prevent your Personal Data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorized way, improperly altered or disclosed. We also limit access to your Personal Data to employees, agents, contractors and other third parties who have a business need to know. They will only process your Personal Data on our instructions and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality. We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected Personal Data breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach where we are legally required to do so.

7. How to contact us

If you have any questions or comments about this policy or our practices you can contact us:

By email at: